PRIDE Can Koozie


PRIDE Can Koozie


Pride isn’t a June thing or an August celebration (in Madison)… at Delta Beer Lab, it’s PRIDE everyday! Be yourself and love every minute of it, but share in community too. We have two options, you likely have two hands - coincidence? We don’t think so.

Be sure to check out the T-shirts and Stickers as well. #EverdayPRIDE


Keep your Delta Beer Lab beer cool in the summer and not freezing your hand off in the Wisconsin winter all while celebrating our diversity. Win-Win-Win!!!

10% from all pre-ordered PRIDE 2020 went to GSAFE — GSAFE increases the capacity of LGBTQ+ students, educators, and families to create schools in Wisconsin where all youth thrive. We’ve included additional “sizes” under the PRIDE 2020 T-shirt if you would like to easily make an additional donation to this wonderful Friend of The Lab.